Put into a large tumbler twenty drops of
ime or lemon juice, two tablespoonfuls of
orchard syrup, and half a wineglass of pine-
apple syrup; dissolve in a little water, nearly
®glass With shaved ice, add one wineglass
ot California brandy, mix well. Ornament
with grapes, slice of orange, pineapple, and a
few berries, top off with port wine, and serve
witn a straw.
Put into a large tumbler one and a half table-
spoonfuls of orgeat syrup, one and a half wine
glasses of brandy, and the juice of half a lemon:
nearly fill the tumbler with shaved ice, and add
a aasn ot port wine; decorate with berries in
season, and serve with a straw.
Put into a tumbler the juice of half a lemon,
brandy, half a wineglass of Jamaica rum
a- wineglass of water; fill up the tumbler
with shaved ice, shake well, and strain.
Put into a tumbler half awineglass of Tamaica
rum, half a wineglass of brandy, a quarter of a
wineglass of curagoa, the juice of half a lemon,
and a tablespoonful of pineapple syrun • fill ud
the tumbler with shavfd ice. shie Selh and
then strain; put on the top a smaU slice of