Port Wine.
/The same as Claret Punch, substituting port
wine for claret
Put into a tumbler the juice and rind of half a
lemon, add half a wineglass of rum, one liqueur-
glass of maraschino, halfa wineglass of brandy,
and a tablespoonful of icing sugar; fill up the
tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and then
Rocky Mountain.
Put intoa tumbler halfa wineglass ofJamaica
rum and a quarter of a wineglass of maraschino,
with some shaved ice; shake well, and fill up
with champagne whilst stirring, then place on
the top a slice of lemon.
See 'A la Romaine,' page 64.
_Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of
icing sugar, a wineglass of brandy, the like
quantity of rum, two teaspoonfuls of arrack,
the juice of a. lemon, <jua.rter of a. wineglass of
green tea, a teaspoonful of essence of spice.
Half fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well,
strain, and add sufficient milk to fill the glass.
Dust with nutmeg and cinnamon, and serve
with a straw.