To convert the following into hot Slings omit the ice
and add boiling water, with a slice of lemon if agreeable.
Brandy Sling.
Into a small tumbler put thirty drops of gum
syrup, or a teaspoonful of icing sugar, half a
wineglass of water, one wineglass of brandy,
and a small lump of ice ; stir with a spoon, and
dust with nutmeg.
Gin Sling.
Put into a small tumbler thirty drops of gum
syrup, or a teaspoonful of icing sugar, half a
wineglass of water, one wineglass of gin, and a
small lump of ice; stir with a spoon, and dust
with nutmeg.
Whisky Sling.
This drink is made the same as Brandy
Sling, substituting Irish or Scotch whisky in
stead of brandy.
The Smash is a Julep on a small scale.
Put into a small tumbler half a tablespoonful
of icing sugar, one tablespoonful of water, and
a wineglass of brandy ; fill up the tumbler two-
thirds with shaved ice, shake well; use two
sprigs of mint (as in Mint Julep), put two small
pieces of orange on top and serve with a straw.