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TPuiJCli Grassot.—(Use a large goblet.)


■wino glass o£ Brandy.

1 tcu-sijoonl'ul of Cura90a.

1 drop of Aoetic Acid.

2 tea-spoonfuls of simple Syrup.

1 tea-spoonful of Strawberry Syrup.

li of a pint of "Water.

Half a small Lemon, sliced.

Idix, servo up with ice, in large goblet, and, if possible, garnish

the top with a slice of peach or apricot. In cold weather this

punch is admirable served hot.

This recipe is credited to M. Grassot, of the Palais Koyal,


Regent's Puncli.—(Use a punch bowl.)

pint of strong Green Tea (hot).




lli pint of Lemon Juice.

^ •

lyi pint of Capiilaire.

1" pint of Jamaica Bum.



1 pint of Brandy.


1 pint of Batavia Arrack.

1 pint of Cura^oa.

1 bottle of Champagne.

1 Pineapple, sliced.

2 Oranges, sliced.

Mix the ingredients well together in a punch-bowl, and add

the wine and ice just before serving.

■; -."iA

Tea Punell.—(Use a heated metal bowl.)


pint of good Brandy.

^ pint of Bum.

''* (! '*'


pound of Loaf-Sugar, dissolved in water.

• /I'J

1 ounce of best Green Tea.

1 quart of boiling water

1 largo Lemon.

Infuse the tea in the "Water. Warm a silver or other metal

bowl until quite hot; place in it the brandy, rum, sugar, and

the juice of the lemon. The oil of the lemon peel should be

lirst obtained by rubbing with a few lumps of the sugar. Sot

the contents of the bowl on fire; and while flaming, pour in the

tea gradually, stirring with a ladle. It will continue to burn

for some time, and should be ladled into glasses while in that

condition. A heate'd metal bowl will cause the punch to burn

longer than if a china bowl is used.