Nectar Pimcli.
4^ pints of Eum.
2 quarts of Milk, boiling hot.
2 quarts of cold water.
2^ pounds of Loaf Sugar
15 Lemons.
1 nutmeg.
Cut off the peel of tho lemons very thin and infuse them for
lortj-eight hours with a pint and a hall of the rum. Add to
tue iniusion the water, the juice of tho lemons, the milk, and
the nutmeg grated ; let it all stand for twentj'-four hours,
sugar, strain through flannel,
and bottle for use. It is ready to use at any time.
Brandy and RiunPunch.—fUse a large har glass.)
1 table-spoonful of powdered white Sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
1 wine glass of Santa Cruz Bum.
A Vilue glass of Brandy
small lemon.
1 ^1. rTX " o
F,„,) ' sss."
B1DoradoPunch r ttqo « ? .
n. (Use a large bar glass.)
1 pony of Brandy.
/i pony of Jamaica Eum
^ pony of Bourbon.
^ wS'er."^"' powdered sugar dissolved In a little
A. slice of Lemon,
rill the tumbler with fin
berries or small niecpK nf
well and ornament with
pieces of orange. Serve with a straw.
OothiePunch.-rUee apancb bowl.)
4 bottles of still Catawba Wine
1 bottle of Claret.
1 bottle of Champagne
3 Oranges.
10 table-spoonfuls of Sugar.
juice of the oran^ms
^od Claret wines; add tho
more, and then add the Cham'nafme