HotScotcll.—r Use a small bar glass.)
wino glass of good Scotch "Whiskey, fill balance of glass
with boiling water, drop in 1 lump of sugar and some thin
yellow bhaving.s of lemon peel ; stir well and serve.
Ale Punch.
1 quart of mild Ale.
1 glass of White Wine.
1 glass of Brandy.
1 glass of Capillaire.
1 Lemon.
Mix the ale, wine, brandy and-Oapillaire together with the juice
of the lemon and a portion of the peel pared very thin. Grate
nutmeg on the top, and add a bit of toasted bread.
Cider Punch,
yi pint of Sherry.
1 glass of Brandy.
1 bottle of Cider.
% pound of Sugar,
i Lemon.
Rare the peel of half the lemon very thin ; pour the sherry
upon it ; add the sugar, the juice of the lemon, and the cider,
with a little grated nutmeg. Mix well and place it on ice.
When cold, add the brandy and a few pieces of cucumber rind.
MaraschinoPunch.—(Use a large beer glass.)
1 tea-spoonful of powdered Sugar, dissolved in a little
1 wine glass of Brandy.
2 dashes of Arrack.
^ pony glass of Maraschino.
The juice of half a small Lemon.
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, ornament with
fruit and berries in season, and serve with a straw.
Cold"Whiskey Punch.—CUse a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of powdered white Sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
Jnice of half a small Lemon.
lyi wine glasses of Irish or Scotch Whiskey.
Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top
with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve
with a straw.