HotIrlslx Puncli.—(XJae a hot water glass.)
1 or 2lumps Sugar.
1 or.2 daslaes of Lemon Juice.
1 wine glass Irish Whiskey.
Fill up with hot water; stir weli.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg,and serve.
KirschwassepPuncli.—(Use a large harglass.)
Yz table-spoon Sugar.
.. .
2 or 3 dashes Lemon Juice.
3or4 dashes Chartreuse.
1 wine glass Kirschwasser.
Fill Y of the glass with fine ice.
Dress with Fruits; serve with a straw.
Medford BumPunch.-rUse a large har glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice.
Y table-spoon Sugar.
1 ^ ^"-shes Lemon Juice.
IX glass Medford Rum.
^amaiea Rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.
Milk Punch.—(Use a large bar glass.)
Vi glass fine ice.
X table-spoon Sugar.
1 wine glass Brandy.
1 wine glass St. Croix Rum
17111 ^ Jamaica Rum.
with"a little n'^tme™'on top"!
together,strain,and serve up,
HotMilkPuncli.—CUse a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoon of Sugar.
X wine glass St. Croix Rum.
X wme glass Brandy,
till the glass with Hot Milk.
Mi't 11
Always mix'wRli't
top. and serve,
va x ith a spoon. Never use the shaker to this.