ClaretPuncll.—("Use a large har glaaa.)
lyi table-spoon Sugar.
1 slice Lemon.
2 slices Orange.
Fill glass with fine ice. Pour in claret wine. Shake well.
Dress with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.
Cosmopolitan ClaretPuncli.—(Vac a goblet.)
Ullert with chopped Ice.
114 pony Brandy.
^table-spoon Sugar.
Fill with Claret.
Shake well and dress with berries and fruit, and serve.
Cliracoa Punch.—(Vae a large bar glaaa.)
ji table-spoon Sugar.
3or -1 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 wine glass Brandy.
1 pony glass Curaijoa (red).
^ pony glass Jamaica Rum.
Dress with fruits as usual. Fill with fine ice and sip through
a straw.
Egg Millc Pmicli.—(Vae a large bar glaaa.)
54 table-spoon Sugar.
1 wine glass Brandy.
1 pony glass St. Croix Rum.
14 glass with flue Ice.
Fill up with milk—use the shaker in mixing—which must be
done thoroughly to a cream.
Strain ; grate a little nutmeg on top, and it is ready.
dinPunch.—(Vaea large bar glaaa.)
2table-spoons white Sugar.
1 pony Seltzer.
Il4 wine glass Holland Gin.
4or 5 dashes Lemon Juice.
Fill glass with fine ice.
Shake well. Dress with 2 slices orange ; >4 slice pineapple,
and berries ; serve with a straw.