Sauternc Puiicli.
Is composed of the same ingredients as Claret Punch, but
substituting Sauteme wine for claret.
7tli Beg-imentPunch.—rUse a large bar glaae.J
1 tablespoon Sugar.
2or 3 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 wine glass Brandy.
1 wine glass Catawba"Wine.
Flavor with raspberry syrup. Fill glass with fine Ice; shake
well. Dress with fruits. Dash with Jamaica rum and serve
with a straw.
Sherry WinePunch.—(Usea large bar glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice
2 wine glasses Sherry.
1 table-spoon Sugar.
o.. ^ ^ dashes Lemon Juice.
with fruits and top off with a little claret,
oerve with a straw.
69th BegmientPunch.—(Usea hot whiskey glass.)
Vz ^ne
gla.ssIrish Whiskey.
^ wine glass Scotch Whiskey.
1 tea-spoon Sugar,
o or 3 dashes Lemon Juice.
The lmh^h°r glasses Hot AVater.
cold nlght.^
above adds greatly to one's comfort on a
St.CharlesPunch.—(Use a large bar glaaa.)
L^^ble-spoon Sugar.
A ot Lemon Juice.
7 Wine glass Port Wine,
pony glass Brandy.
Pin with flu®
^ort Wine,
and serve wfth a stSw"""