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Mississippi Pimcli.—(Use a large har glass.J

1 tablc-spoontul of Sugar.

^ wiue glass of Water or Solters.

2 clashes of Lemou Juice, dissolved well.

yi wiue glass of Jamaica Rum.

yi wine glass of Bourbon AVhiskey.

1 wine glass of Brandy.

Fill the glass with shaved h e; shake or stir the ingredients

well, ornament in a tasty manner with fruitin season,and serve

with a straw.

Silver Fiz.—(Use a large bar glass.)

Yi table-spoonful of Sugar.

2 or 3 dashes of Lemon Juice.

1 wine glass of Old Tom Gin, dissolved weU, with a

squirt of Vichy.

1 egg(the white only).

Y glass filled with shaved ice.

Shake up well with a shaker, strain it into a good sized fiz

glass, fill up the glass with Syphon Selters or Vichy water, mix

well and serve.

This drink is a delicious one, and must be drank as soon as

jreparecl, as it loses its strength and flavor.

Brandy Cliamparelle.—(Use a Sherry loine glass.)

Y wine glass of Cura(;oa(red).

Y wine glass of Chartreuse(yellow). glass of Anisette.

Y wine glass of Kirschwasser or Brandy,

whichever the customer desires, and serve.

Attention must be paid to preventthe different liquors from

running into each other, to have them perfectly separated and


Champagne Cobbler.—(Use a large bar glass.)

of a table-spoonful of Sugar.

Y wine glass of Syphon Selters, dissolve well.

1 or 2 pieces of Orange.

1 or 2 pieces of Pineapple.

Fill the glass with ice.

Fill the balance with champagne, ornament the top in a tasty

manner,and serve it with a straw.

This drink is generally mixed where they have champagne on

draught,by having the champagne faucetscrewed into the cork

of the bottle.