Q1-2014 - page 4

Reporter: JennWilliams
Reporter: LorraineAbbene
This spring theHumanResourcesdepartmentwill be releasinganew self service tool
for employees. TheADPportalwill giveyouaccess to your employment data, benefits
andpayroll information. Itwill alsoallowyou tomake changes topersonal
informationandwill sooneliminateall of thosepaper forms thatHR requires. This
portalwill alsobeavailable fromhome! Be sure to lookout for the launchof this great
new tool!
Take the time to visit theEmployeePerkspageand checkout our newest provider,
Santander! Shields andSantander Bankhavepartnered tooffer youapremier
employee financial services package through the ‘
Santander atWork’
program. This
includes exclusivebankingdiscounts, preferred rates, andaccess to the ‘Extra20
Checking’ account!Details and contact information canbe foundon theEmployee
Perks Page.
March2014Radiologist Conferences:
March14, 7:30amDr. Titelbaum - BrocktonNeuroConferenceat BrocktonCenter
March19, 7amDr. SchwartzMGHPainClinicConferenceatMGH
March19, 12:15pmDr. Sweriduk -NeurologyConference inDartmouth
March19, 12:15pmDr. Patel -OrthopedicCaseStudyat our FR-NBCenter
April 2014Radiologist Conferences:
April 2, 7:30am, Dr. SchwartzCNSNeuroConference inWellesley
April 3, 7:30amDr. Titelbaum - BrocktonPodiatryConferenceat BrocktonCenter
April 16, 7:15amDr. Patel - Case study toDr.Micheli’s group inBoston
April 16, 12:15pmDr. Sweriduk -Dr Sweriduk -NeurologyConference inDartmouth
April 18&April 257:30amDr. Patel HahnemannSportsMedicineConference inUMassWorcester
April 23,7:30amDr. Patel -OrthopedicCaseStudyat our FR-NBCenter
May2014Radiologist Conferences:
May2,May16,May23, 7:30amDr Patel HahnemannSportsMedicineConference
May21, 7:15amDr. Patel - Case study toDr.Micheli’s group inBoston
EighthAnnualOrthopedicMRReview for theClinician:
April 5—Seven radiologistwill bepresentingat this full day conferenceat BabsonExecutive
Conference center. This conference is always great success!
1,2,3 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,...25
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