Q1-2014 - page 7

Congrats toCristoReyHighSchool forwinning the2014GouldAward*!
CristoRey is ahigh school located inDorchester that isdedicated to the success andwellbeingof
their students (every graduating senior hasbeenaccepted to college in the last fiveyears!).
ShieldsHealthCareGrouphaspartneredwith the schools corporatework studyprogram thepast
fewyears,meaningwehaveemployed four students from the school eachyear inour
reimbursement department. These studentsworkonedayperweek topay for their educationat
CristoReyand togainvaluableexperience inanofficeenvironment.Most of these students
come from low-income familieswhere collegeandwork-studyopportunities arehard to comeby
soShields isproud topartnerwithCristoRey togive them theopportunities that theydeserve.
Let’shear from the students currentlyworkingwithus this year:
EvelinMorales –age15, Freshman
: At Shields, I have learnedmany things that connect to
things at home that I canhelpmyMotherwith– like recordkeepingand checks. Workingat
Shields I realize therearemanypeople that have their ownproblems likebankruptcyandhealth
problems. A lot of peopleneedhelpand itmakesmeverygrateful forwhat I have. In the future,
I am looking forward togettingmore involved in school activities likea cappella choir. Iwould
also like toget someworkexperience ina law firm closer tomyhome inEast Boston.
Jean-PhaudnetDolce–age16, Sophomore
: Shieldshasbeenagood start toabetter futureby
having theopportunity to comeonceaweek toworkwithexperiencedpeople. I am looking
forward to comingback toShields formy last 2yearsbecause I can continue to learnmoreeach
year. In the future, Iwant togo intobusiness andmajor inBusiness in college.
MalikCreese–age17, Junior
: Myworkat Shieldshasmadememoremature. I notice the
differencewithmy friendswhohavenot had theworkexperience. I look forward to coming to
work. Peopleare likeanother family–everyone’s smilesmakeme smile. In the future, I look
forward tohavinga largenetwork for better jobopportunities. I am interested inmajoring in
musicand technology in college. I’vebeenwritingmyownmusic since13and I D.J. I likeall
kindsofmusicandam interested inhow technology cando thingswithmusic.
JazmynGrisset –age18, Senior
: Shieldshas taughtmeorganizationand the importanceof
meetingdeadlines. I have learnedhow to talk topeople inanoffice. Thiswill helpme inmy
future jobsor runningabusiness, plus I have learnedhow tonetwork. I hadneverworkeduntil I
came toCristoRey somymostmemorable timewasbeingput inanofficeat 14. Iwas shocked
but it changedeverything formeand I grewmore confident inmyself. In the future, Iwant to
studyarchitectureandeventually startmyownbusiness.
As you can see, these students are intelligent, driven, andhavebecomeahugehelp toour
ReimbursementDepartment.We thank them for all that theydoandarehappy tohave themas
part of theShields team!
*TheGouldaward isgiven to institutions for their contributions to thequalityof public educationand theadvancement,
employability, andproductivityof residents of the commonwealth.
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