Q1-2014 - page 15

Greetings fromWH/ShieldsMRI
Inaddition to shovelingandattempting to
keepwarm,wehavebeenbusyhere inWoburn.
Wearehappy to share someof our activities
In January,we implementedgadavist for our contrast exams. Peri Drake (Bayer
representative) graciouslyprovideduswithaonehour in serviceand some tasty
snacks aswell. Severalmembersof theWH staff alsobegan trainingandprotocol
assessment for our new venture inPortsmouth.WinchesterHospital held its
annual “Broadway Show”, tobenefit thehospital. Our ownCheryl Condonwas a
featuredperformer. Cheryl and the show received rave reviews.
InFebruary, sixof ourMRI technologists attended theSMRT conference inCT. It
was agreatmeeting, including several topicson3T imaging.We celebrated the
holidayswithapost holidayparty. Sixteenmembersof the staffwereable to
attendadinner@Polcari’son Sundayevening, February9, 2014. Thenewest
member of our familyarrived in Februaryaswell, LukeAnthonyWest, sonof
MelissaWest,MRI technologist. Finally, our veryown LindaBrownhasbeen
trainingand scanning inorder to completeher competencies for theMRI registry,
under theguidanceof LindaCollins. ThankYou Ladies!
InMarch,we sprungaheadwithdaylight savings. CelebratedSt. Patrick’sDayand
isbusymarking the calendar to the first dayof Spring. Iwould like to congratulate
and thankall the staff for enduring this longandexaggeratedwinter. Youdida
great job!
Reporter: Chris Littlehale
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