Q1-2014 - page 23

Saint Luke’sembraces springwithopenarms, likea long, lost friend. It isundeniable that this
winter hasbeen too long, too coldand just toomuch. But nonetheless, ourworkmust goon,
andwithin this ebband flowwehavemanaged to increaseby10% thenumber of confirmed
scans from last year.Wehavealso finally reached the return rategoal onour comment cards in
Marchanda lot of great thingshavebeen saidabout our serviceand thepeopleweworkwith.
Wehadagreat timeand turnout at ourHolidaypartyat Trio’s inDartmouth. Sadly, Cathy
Dargie transferredher shift back toBrockton. She ismissed. The studentMelissaGamachealso
transferred toBrockton.Wehope she isdoingwell. Everyoneat Saint Luke’sMRI site isdoing
well. Dee’s sonCraigwas recentlydeployedover sea’s asArmy Infantry.Weare soproudof him
for servingour country, aswell as all themenandwomen that do.Wepray for all, a safe return
Aquote to shareby LaneEvans….
Without thebraveeffortsof all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, andmarines and their families, this
Nationalongwithour allies around theworld,wouldnot stand soboldly, shine sobrightlyand
live so freely. We thankyou!
Reporter: A reporter for our new
center inDedhamwill be chosen
for thenext insider newsletter in June!
Reporter: LeslieClingman
Scanningour first patient in
Dedham! February2014
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