Q1-2014 - page 24

Greetings fromDartmouthMRI,
TheNewYear has startedandweareadapting to staffing changeshere inDartmouth.Weare
down staff butmoreproductiveas all organizations andbusinesses arebecoming. Takes some
gettingused tobutwillworkout.
Hopefully theweatherwill takea turn for thebetter soon. Its springalreadyand thedaffodils
Comment cards areworkingoutmuchbetter and the responses arealwayspositivedownhere.
Keepup thegreatwork.
PamReidandher sonwere recently recognizedandwere invited togo to theCeltics familynight
at TDGardenandplayon the court andmeet someCeltics andCedricMaxwell. She said itwas a
great event andunlikeany sportingevent shehadever been to.
Wewill soonput upamemorial toMonicaBenac. Abenchand small gardenwill be set up in
hermemory.Monicawas front officeandofficemanager formanyyearsof service to the
Shields familyandafter abrief illness left thisearthandweall sendher our thoughtsaswell as
toher sonanddadand remaining family. She truly ismissed.
We strive to continueour great serviceandexcellent patient care fromall the super staff down
here inDartmouthandall thehardwork theyperformand thededication they showat all times.
Many thanks toour employeeshere!
Reporter: DavidAurelio
Twoof ourDartmouthemployees, KevinGomesandDwayneGarrityhavebeenbuying
stuffedanimals for childrenand theelderly (we seea lot ofAlzheimer patients) at our
Dartmouth location. KevinandDwayneareMRI techswhodo thisout of thegoodnessof
their hearts for thosewhoareafraidof being scanned inourmachines. The stuffed
animals comfort thesepatientsandmake them feel safe—plus they remember the comfort
of Shieldsafter their scan since theyget to take the stuffedanimalshomewith them too!
KevinandDwayne, thankyou for your kindnessandall that youdo for Shields!
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