Q1-2014 - page 22

WellesleyonMarch20, 2014 completedour firstArthrogramMRIwhichwas very successful. This
was a longprocess in themakingbut has finallybecome reality inWellesley thanks toour
dedicated staff,management andDoctors.WelcomeAnnaKadlub toour center forArthrogram
injections, she is exceptionalwith thepatients.Wellesleyhas increasedvolumeespecially since
our newArthrogram scans andwill continuing seeing increaseswithour center nowopeningon
Sundays.What agreatway to start the spring.
Reporter: ReginaVarney
WelcomeSpring!! It hasbeena coldand stormy start for 2014 so, likemost;wewelcome the
warmer and sunnierweather!! Wehavehadabusy start for theyear hereat FranklinMedical
Center andwearehoping that thisupward trend continues through the springof 2014.
Earlier thiswinter,wehavehadanewper diem technologist joinour team,welcome LisaRowe!!
For all thehockey fans;wehope theBruins go far this season!!
Wewisheveryoneahappyandhealthy springtime season.
Reporter: LauraQuinn
We continue tobebusy, our year todatenumbers areuponceagain. Wehave receivedour new
patientmonitor, an InvivoProcess, andareverypleasedwith it.
Wehavehad some recent staff changes. ErinO’BrienwasworkinghereonWednesdaynights,
but has been transferredback toBayState. Shewaswonderful toworkwithandwewillmiss
her. VanSolivanhasbeen transferredback toMemorial onWednesdaynights, andwill nowbe
here3daysperweek. Wearehappy tohavehimback.
Congratulations toAlishaBangrazi, ourweekendCustomer Care
Rep,whowill begraduating from x-ray school in just 6weeks.
Wewishher thebest of luck!
HappySt. Patrick’sDay, from thealways festivePatti Friend,
andall of ushereatMemorial!
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