Q1-2014 - page 12

Reporter: CarrieCallahan
It iswithgreat sadness thatwe, in theCentral Hub, saidgoodbye toourmanager ChristinePini
as she set off to start anewadventure. Aswedriedour tears,
wewelcomedNiki Powers
intoher new roleasmanager of theCentral Hub. CongratsNiki!
AsNiki takesonher new roleasManager, she is springing right intoaction. Asof April 1
, the
Central Hubwill takeon theexpansionof theUMassMemorial/Shields joint ventureasCMMIC
closes itsdoors andall scanswill be redirected toourUniversityandMemorial campuses and to
our ShrewsburyStreet facility. Alongwith thisnewadventurewewelcomemanynew
employees intoour Shields family.
And lastly……thenew “it” color this spring isRED! Please consider joiningour teamaswewalk
in theAmericanHeartAssociation’sHeartWalk topromotephysical activity tobuildhealthier
lives. Thewalk isonMay3, 2014 inWorcester. You can joinour teamor helpus to reachour
goal of raising$1000.00byvisitingour teampage
Pleasehelpus spread thewordby sendingout our link toall of your familyand
friends! We thankyou inadvance (your heartwill thankyoualso)!
NewMR&X-RayPoliciesandProceduresComingThis Spring!
We’veall been there. Apatientwithaunique situation comes in thedoor
andwe think toourselves: “Howam I supposed tohandle this?”We volley
thequestionaround theofficeuntilwe thinkwe knowwhat todo, but to
behonest, noone is 100% sure. Don’t youwish that therewasONEplace
that has easy-to-finddocumentedprocedureson theway that our
companyhandles situations from themundane to theout-of-ordinary?
ThePolicy&Procedures committee is excited to let youknow that Shields
Policy&Procedures havebeen re-evaluatedandupdated!
This Spring,
Shields will roll out anewMRandX-Ray Policy&Procedurespagewith
aneasy search tool thatwill giveanswers toyour questions –quickly– so
you can respond confidently
. Beon the lookout formore information
coming soon!
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