Q1-2014 - page 14

55ChristysDrive—First Floor!
Reporter: DebGoulart
After having toendure suchanextendedperiodof very snowy, bitter colddays thispastwinter,
everyone isdefinitelyanticipating thenicer days ahead. Spring is the timeof year for renewal
and changeandhereat 55Christy’sDr. theReimbursement, Finance, PurchasingandMedical
Recordsdepartments are “springing intoaction”by renewingour commitment tohealthier
habits and fresh starts.
, the first official dayof spring, theReimbursementDepartment initiateddaily
walkgroupsopen toallwhowish toparticipate. Thereare two15minute sessionsheld in the
morningand twoagain in theafternoon. Staff can choose tomeet outside the55Christy’sDrive
mainentrance, at anyof the4 scheduled times and joinagroup.
Getting freshair and someexercise is agreatway to spendyour break time.Walkinghelps to
relieve stress and thegroupactivitygivesus anopportunity for a little socializationand
motivation. We return towork refreshedand ready to “spring intoaction”on the job too!
Iwant to start bywelcomingour newemployees; AriannaMellowho joinedus inFebruary. She
isourweekendFrontOfficePatient CareRep. Arianna caught onquickand is alwayswilling to
cover extra shifts. JoanneMacleodwhohasbeenwithShields for 15years, isnowour evening
FrontOfficePatient CareRep. Joannewaspreviouslyworkingasa techaide inWellesley.We
areexcited towelcome themboth toour team!
MelanieColon transferred fromweekendFrontOfficePCR to theeveningTechAide. She
replacedDanielleNolanwhoaccepted theTechAidposition inDedham. Congratulations toboth
of them!Wemiss youDanielle!
Weare sad to seeChris Emordgobutwishher thebestwithher position inFalmouth.
our newhoursof operationare6:30am–11:00pm. SaturdayandSunday’s
hourshavenot changed. Our FrontOfficePCRSandraMroshasnow takenonpartial TechAide
duties in themorning. ThankyouSandra! You’redoinggreat!
We’veall hada toughwinter andaredesperatelyawaiting somewarmerweather.
Reporter: ChristyMedeiros
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