Q1-2014 - page 21

Reporter: TheresaGladkowski
It hasbeenaverybusy time for ushereatWingandMary LaneHospital.Wehavehada few
changes toour schedules andhaveaddeda fewnew faces toour team. AllaandCourtneyhave
joined theTechnologists teamandwearepleased towelcomeKarenMcLeod toour front office
staff.Wewouldalso like to thankPatriciaNee in filling inwhileKaren is training.Wehave said
our goodbyes toEmilyHarrisonandwewishher thebest of luck inher newposition.
Wehad thegood fortuneof enjoyingawonderful St Patrick ’sDay luncheonatWingHospital
served tousbymanagement. Themoodwas festiveandagreat time for everyone. As I am sure
everyonehasheardWingMemorial Hospital is in theprocessof beingpurchasedByBaystate
Medical Center. Although therehavebeen severalmeetingshereatWingwith the staff there is
noofficial dateof theventure.
Wishingyouall ahappy spring!
Reporter: Courtney Lurate
HappySpring!! Althoughwehavehadwhat seems like the longestwinter ever, bothof our
centershave remained steadywith thehelpof our devoted staff! Wehave recentlymadea few
changes to thehours at both centerswhichwehopewill helpmeet our demographicneeds for
appointment times. Weappreciateour staffswillingness anddedication tomaking these
necessary changes. Thanks somuch team–you rock!
Wewould like toextendawarmwelcome toour newest front office teammember JenDoherty!
Jen is training tobe thenewPCRFloat for theBostonRegion centers. Congratulations and
welcome Jen! Wehavealso recentlybrought on twonewMCPHS studentsHangNguyenand
LaurenMelski. Hanghasbeenworking side-by-sidewithour techs inMassBayweeklyand
Laurenhas recentlypickedup several night shifts andSaturdays inBrighton. Both thegirlshave
doneagreat jobandwe look forward to continuing towatch thembothgrowandexcel!
Wearealsopleased towelcomebackStephanieMazzaas aper diem tech. We look forward to
workingwithyouagainStephanie– youareagreat asset to the team! Lastly, congratulations to
per diem Leyannawho recentlyhadababy! Bestwishes toyouandyour family.
Wehopeeveryonehas anexcellent next fewmonths.
Keepup thegreatwork!
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