Q1-2014 - page 20

Reporter: Jill Kokosa
Aswinter isdrawing toa close, Baystate iseagerlyawaiting thearrival of spring!
First of all,wewould like to
our Chief Tech,
Lori Heffelfinger
maternity leaveover thepast fewmonths!Our centerwasdefinitelynot the samewithout her
“bubbly”personality. It’shard tobelieve that baby Ian is going tobe4monthsoldalready!
Secondly,wewould like to “applaud”
AllaYaravoy -MRI Tech
ManuelaAngers - Chief Tech
for a “jobwell done” in Lori’s absence. Although the taskwasn’t easy, youbothdid itwithdignity
andgrace! Furthermore,
are inorder to
whowas recentlyappointed “acting”Chief of Radiologyafter the resignationofDrGianturco.
Lastly, our center alsoendureda “great loss”whenour courier for over 15years,
passedaway thispast January. Ken isdeeplymissedbut his storieswill be cherished for years to
come. Rest inpeace, Ken!
Reporter: AmyDaignault
I amhappy to report it’sbeenagreat past couplemonthshereatHealthAllianceHospital in
Leominster.Wehavebeenkeepingbusywithall of thewinterweather injuries. The iceand snow
hasnot stoppedour patients from coming tovisit us. As alwaysour awesomepatientshavebeen
diligentwith fillingout comment cards and lettingeveryoneknowhowwonderfulweare.Weare
looking forward to thewarmerweather andwant towisheveryoneaHappySpring!
Happy spring from Lowell!
Hopeeveryone isputtingaway the shovelsandgetting theUmbrellas ready!!Wearenow
workingalongsideoneof thenewest Shields sites, Lowell General Saints. Shieldswill beable to
provide service tomoreof theMerrimackValley community.We saidgoodbye toour friendand
coworker, Erin, andwishher luckwithher new job. Lowell General andResearchPlace continue
tobeverybusy!Wehope it keeps up throughout thebusy summermonths! Looking forward
warm to sunshineandwarmweather again!
Reporter: LauraAllen
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