Q1-2014 - page 11

There ismore interest thanever before inhow to savemoney
ina companyhealthcareplan. Thatmeans there is agreat opportunity for this
program tobringmorebusiness toShields - anddon't forget that you canhelp!
There is a$75 incentive if youget a salesmeetingand
$500bonus if the companybecomes a client
. Contact the
sales andmarketing teamwithany leads youmayhave!
Poetntial clients canbeadded toour bi-annualmailer as
well. Thesemailers comewith informationabout SimplySave,
anote from the sales rep from that territory, aswell as a
Shields’ branadedgift! Checkout our latest ‘hatmailer’ here!
First quarter for ProCarehasbeenbusy, rewarding, and fun!Weadded4machines toour
growingMRService fleet,GE@SaintsHospital-Lowell, PhilipsMobile@SportsMedicine
Atlantic Imaging-PortsmouthNH, Siemens@ShieldsMRI-Weymouth,&GEMobile@Shields
imaging/NEBH -Outpatient Center inDedham. Our team looks forward to supporting their
ProCarealsowelcomed internGarrettMessier in January. Garrett is currentlya student at
MassMaritimeAcademyandhequicklyprovedhis value toour teamashewas instrumental
inmany service related calls. Pleasegivehimabigwelcomenext timehe’s at your facility!
ProCareentered intoa fit bit challengewith theOperations teambeginning January1
won theFebruaryChallenge. Thewinning teammembers are: EliasDaher, Carmel Shields,
NickDurant andKevinStudleywithagrand total of 1,169,960 steps for themonthof
Finally, KUDOS to theProCareengineers and JimHolland
(Dir. of Purchasing) for their roles in the recoveryof the
QUENCH inFramingham recently. All hadahand in
bringing the scanner backonline in less than32hours- pretty impressive!!
Reporter: KelleyHancock
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