Q1-2014 - page 6

FiveQuestions inFiveMinutes
A conversationwithClinical Administrator, TheresaGrady,
What is your rolehereat Shields?
Clinical Administrator ofOncologyServices. I oversee the clinical aspectsof
What is themost rewardingaspect ofworking in radiationoncology?
Thepatientsmotivatemeeveryday.Watching them fight their cancerwhile
remainingupbeat andoptimistic is inspiring tome.
Canyou shareanespecially inspiringpatient/success story that youhave
encounteredduringyour 15years at Shields?
As amother of three, I find it so touchingwhenayoungmother isunder treatment
but planning for her death. I have seenMom’sbuyweddinggifts for their young
daughters tobegiven in the futurewhen theymarry. Ormom’s that send their kids
away to livewith family thatwill care for themafter theydie. Theyare so strong to
do these things!
Youwill be traveling toChinaonbehalf of theAmericanSocietyof Radiologic
Technologists (ASRT) this spring, congrats!Whatwill youbedoingon this trip?
It is a fact findingmission to seewhat steps areneeded todevelopRadiation
Oncologydepartments in twohospitals in rural China. Iwill be visitinghospitals in
the cityof Shanghai, ZhengzhouandYinchuan. Iwill speak to staff aboutmy
experienceswith treatment techniques, skin careandpatient immobilization.
Canyougivea littlebackgroundonyourself?
I ammarriedwith three children, 18, 15and12.
We live inCantonbut I grewup inDorchester.
I gotmyassociates in radiation therapy from
LaboureCollege,myBS inmanagement from
MassCollegeof Pharmacy. Iwill bemissingmy
graduation formyMastersof Science in
Managementwhile I am inChina.My favorite
thingaboutworkingat Shields is all theopportunities
youaregiven. I canworkonanynumber of projects if I
ask toparticipate. I get loadsof experienceand I remain
verybusybecause I like that!
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