Q1-2014 - page 9

Weall hear great things fromour patients, partners andphysiciansdailyat Shields - butwe
don't doagreat jobof sharing them!
If you seeor hear somethinggreat from someone ina Shields center -whether it bea letter,
a recommendation, a compliment or just apatient high-five -
send it tous at
It’s agreatway to shareall thegreat thingspeoplehave to sayabout us andour
Iwanted to takeamoment toacknowledge the
amazingeffort the teammadeonWednesday
02/12/2014. Inanticipationof the impending storm
dueonThursdayanemailwas sent out on
Wednesdaymorning (includingCustomer Care)
encouraging staff topull patients in. Both teams
ralliedand resulted in35patientsbeing scanned in
onedayononemagnet. Thiswas a record for
Wellesleyandyouall hadahand in it.
Thankyouall for your dedicationandhardwork.
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