Q1-2014 - page 19

Here inMarlborough things aremovingalong just fine. Our numbers increasedduring the
monthsof JanuaryandFebruary from last year. Thanks toa continuinggreat effort byour
MarketingDept, referralshavebeenupabit.
Our team continues todo their best to resolveany issues thatmay comeupwithour Partners
hereatMarlboroughUMass andweall enjoyworking togetherwith them.
Our patientshavegrown toappreciate theeaseof getting inandout ofMarlboroughand
continuallypraiseour staff.Many say theywouldhave comehere sooner if theyhadknown it
wouldhavebeen suchagoodexperience!
Asmanyof youare,weare really tiredof thewinter, but havemanaged to survive the frigid cold
andmany snow filleddays.Our Facilities andMedical CoolingDepartmentshavekept us all
toastywarm in spiteof the challengesof beingonamobileunit!
We look forward to sayinggoodbye towinter andhello to spring. Spring isonlyadayor two
awayandwith it comes all thenewgrowthandopportunity. Aswe saygoodbye to some friendly
faceshere,wealsowelcomenewones toour humbleMRI center and look forward tonew
relationships and continued learning. HappySpringeveryone!
Reporter: Katrina Frongillo
Likeeveryoneelse, theWeymouth staff hadbeen looking forward toMarch20thand the start of
spring. During thewinter seasonweall tend to cooka lot and trynew recipes.Wehavehad some
great pot lucks thiswinter;wealwayshave toomuch foodbut exchange someof our best
Wewould like towelcome techDanaPeterson, JosephZmuza, our newest student from
MassachusettsCollegeof PharmacyandHealthSciences and techaide JulieVauldin. It's great to
haveyou inWeymouth.
LeadTechCraigChaplain, last year'swinner for the "Kindness" award is going towarmer climates
inPuntaCana. HeandhiswifeBrendawill be celebrating their 20'"weddinganniversary.
Congratulations alsogo to their daughter Kelsey, shehasbeenaccepted to3 colleges.Way togo
That's about all fromWeymouth for right now. Haveagreat springeveryone.
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