Q1-2014 - page 17

Greetings fromourmostNorthernCenter,
OnFebruary4, 2014, ShieldsMRI beganprovidingMRI services topatients in the stateofNew
Hampshire. This is themost northernventure for ShieldsHealthCare, anda first inNew
Hampshire. The facility is located inPortsmouth. ThePhilipsMobile1.5Thasbeen
permanently fixed to thebuildingof our orthopedicpartners, SMAO.
Inpreparation for theopening,wehad several keypeoplewho spent numeroushours
assistingwith training, establishingprotocols andvolunteeringvariousbodyparts for protocol
testing. ToCarolynColburn, BradField, Anthony LaSala,Marianne Linehan, SusanSciutoand
DanShaw, ahuge thankyou for your contributions. InadditionwehadGREAT support from
our ProCareandFacilities Teams aswell…..so thankyou!
Our lead technologist,Marianne Linehanandher Teamwill beprovidingMRI services three
days aweek, Tuesday, ThursdayandFriday. Thenewestmembersof theShields TeamareAmy
Bartlett, techaideandDerekScott, techaide II.WelcomeandCongratulations.
Our sales team sponsoreda “Meet andGreet” at theGas Light Pub, indowntownPortsmouth.
Theeventwaswell attended. The venueand food selectionwereawesome.
Kudos to theSalesTeam!
Reporter: Chris Littlehale
The team standingby for
our first scan inPortsmouth!
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