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Page Background

Expected Gas Sourcing

Gas sourcing will be decided by LNG terminal capacity users, who will have the freedom to arrange gas supplies and gas origin

Comments about the Third-Party Access Regime

TPA regime will be defined after market survey procedure (in our case Open Season)


Main Driver

Regulation SoS

Main Driver Explanation

Importance of LNG terminal in Croatia is in possibility of providing natural gas to multiple countries in the region. Countries included: Hungary, Slovenia,

Austria, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and

Herzegovina, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria. Gas supply in the region is heavily dependent on one supply source and therefore LNG terminal in Croatia

represents a major diversification gas supply route in the region.

Benefit Description

Project benefits include: providing diversity of supply of natural gas, providing security of supply of natural gas, introducing the ecologically sound energy

source in the region, reducing CO₂emissions in the region, facilitating economic development, etc.

Reloading Ability


Time Schedule

Grant Obtention Date


Delay Since Last TYNDP


Delay Explanation

In comparison with last TYNDP, there is no delay because the FSRU solution represents a fast track solution enabling the gas to flow from the

Island of Krk from Q1/2018. This represents a one year acceleration of the project comparing to the last TYNDP.

PCI Details

PCI Benefits

Project aims at fulfilling the infrastructure standard (N-1) rule at regional level in accordance with Article 6(3) of Regulation EU, Project aims at

supplying directly or indirectly at least two Member States

General Criteria Fulfilled


Specific Criteria Fulfilled

Competition, Market Integration, Security of Supply, Sustainability

Specific Criteria Fulfilled Comments

All specific criteria are fulfilled by this project


Barrier Type



National Regulatory Agency needs to approve missing regulatory framework for liquefied natural gas i.e. methodology for determination of tariff for

receiving LNG and gas send-out. In order for the project to be implemented on time, when the CBA/CBCA request is submitted to the Croatian NRA all of

the relevant NRA's (six identified countries) need to come to a fast decision.

Generated by ENTSOG PDWS on 10/10/2016 05:00:19 PM

Page 281 of 620

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |