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Permit Granting

Permit granting process for the project has started in 10/2013 by requesting the EIA which was approved in 04/2014. Location permit was approved in

09/2015. Accordingly to the specific phase of the projects permits will be modified/ obtained.


Project named LNG terminal on the Island of Krk was declared on Government of Republic of Croatia session from 16th of July 2015 a project of strategic

importance for the Republic of Croatia. The Act on strategic investments enables this kind of projects to have the highest priority with faster and simplified

procedure in obtaining necessary documents and permits for the project implementation.


Potential barrier of enough pipeline capacity availability. The pipelines need to be build but FID has not yet been reached, which is a precondition for LNG

terminal realization in forseen deadlines.


Market Background Analysis was carried out and it indicated that the market has commercial potential. Open Season procedure will serve as an official

confirmation of that analysis. The binding phase of Open Season has been carried out. Signing of the contract is expected to be upon NRA's approval of

missing regulatory framework for liquefied natural gas i.e. methodology for determination of tariff for receiving LNG and gas send-out.

Intergovernmental Agreements


Agreement Description

Is Signed Agreement Signature Date


Memorandum of Understanding



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Page 282 of 620

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |