Would your customer like some valuable training on healthy nutrition? Or maybe they want to
offset the cost of their Herbalife product programme in the future? With the Customer Incentive
Programme, they can do all this and more whilst helping you build your business at the same time.
The Customer Incentive Programme is all about loyalty. It allows
you to incentivise your customers when they give you at least
two successful referrals, for example their own friends and
family. When your customer has successfully referred two new
customers, you can recognise them as a loyal customer. Your loyal
customer will then receive various incentives from you in return,
which can include anything from discounts on future product
purchases and programmes, access of key trainings, to VIP status
at customer parties and invitations to Success Academies where
they can learn more about nutrition, Herbalife products and how to
lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
The key is to help your customer get good product results and
understand the value of being a loyal customer.
Organise Shake Parties, Wellness Evaluations and Healthy
Breakfast pitches within his/her circle of influence to help them
generate successful referrals.
Many Loyal Customers decide to take advantage of the business
opportunity themselves and become Herbalife Members. Once
trained, you allow your new Member to take the persons he/she
referred as their own customers. This a great way to start building
your organisation. See page 39 for more information on signing up
new Members.
Full details of the Customer Incentive Programme can be
downloaded from