well
as
a
judge
of
appetizing
edibles
and
liquid
refreshments,
is
world-wide,
and
it
is
universally
conceded
that
for
a
drink
contain-
ing
an
alcoholic
ingredient
it
is
the
most
cooling
and
refreshing
beverage
known.
Use
a
mixing
glass.
bar
spoonfuls
of
sugar.
i
fresh
egg.
i^
wine
glass
of
claret.
2-3
glass
full
of
shaved
ice.
Shake
thoroughly,
and
strain
into
a
fancy
bar
glass,
adding
a
little
nutmeg
on
the
top.
Use
a
mixing
glass.
i
spoonful
of
powdered
sugar.
fresh
cold
egg.
Half
fill
the
glass
with
fine
ice,
fill
up
the
balance
with
milk;
sha'ke
up
well,
strain
into
a
large
bar
glass,
grate
a
little
nutmeg
on
top,
and
serve
with
straws.
The
above
is
a
good
substitute
for
a
breakfast
for
persons
whose
appetite
has
abandoned
them
and
who
are
feverish
and
require
something
strengthening.