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forest and pasture rehabilitation pilots with the wider

stakeholder society. In December 2014, 58 target

community residents of Gegharkunik Marz were

trained in the sustainable management of mountain

forest and pasture ecosystems under changing climate

conditions. The initial methodology for carbon stock

assessment and monitoring in soil and vegetation

has been identified, followed by a practical survey for

carbon stock assessment. Forest rehabilitation and

restoration activities were launched in spring 2015

in three target communities and Sevan National

Park covering 60 ha. Rotational grazing plans were

developed and approved by the Community Elder

Councils for five target communities. Training in

rotational grazing plans were conducted in all five

communities. Finally, regular monitoring missions to

the project pilot sites were conducted to examine and

verify in-field activities and continue collaboration

with local communities and partners.

Results from the project will be disseminated within

and beyond the project intervention zone through

existing information sharing networks and forums.

The project will identify and participate in relevant

scientific, policy-based, and/or any other networks,

which may benefit project implementation. The

project will identify, analyze, and share lessons

learned that might be beneficial for the design and

implementation of similar future projects. Finally,

there will be a two-way flow of information between

this project and other similar projects.

A comprehensive analysis of policy frameworks will

create the necessary information basis for further

research and analysis at the regional and national

levels. Selected ecosystem rehabilitation models

can be easily used in other regions of Armenia. The

methodology used for calculating GHG emissions

within the framework of this project will be

described and included in the package of documents

presented to governments as one of the basic

methods for replicating the experience generated

within the project. The practical results of successful

implementation of pilot adaptation measures in local

communities will serve as a baseline and stimulate

the interest of other communities of the region in

developing and implementing such activities. A full

range of information dissemination campaigns will

be conducted (e.g. through distribution of knowledge

material and reports, national conferences, media

events, electronic networking, etc.) Updated and

reliable information will be provided to national

and local authorities, and recommendations for

decision-makers will be provided to state entities and

local self-governance authorities. The project team

will also participate in relevant scientific, policy-

based and other networks that can benefit project

implementation via lessons learned and will share its

own lessons with other similar projects.

Mixed coniferous forest, Armenia