Town Center Plan
January 2007
Appendix 11
The E Street zone is projected to generate 30 vehicle trips during AM peak and 30 vehicle trips during
PM peak.
The Center mixed use zone is projected to contain the children’s theater, park, 25,000 square feet of
commercial space and 45 dwellings. This zone connects with both Town Hall Drive and Church Street
but due to indirect routing it is projected that 98% of trips will be to and from Town Hall Drive. Of the
high estimate of 1,775 vehicle trips generated by the Center zone, 1,740 are anticipated to be directed
onto Town Hall Drive, with perhaps 35 trips directed to Church Street.
The Center zone is projected to generate 114 vehicle trips during AM peak and 150 vehicle trips during
PM peak, again under the high trip generation scenario.
The Scoggins residential zone is projected to contain about 25 dwellings. This zone connected through
the Center with Town Hall Drive and directly with Church Street, and due to these connections it is
projected that 75% of trips will be to and from Town Hall Drive and 25% to and from Church Street. Of
the estimated 238 vehicle trips generated by the Scoggins zone, 179 are anticipated to be directed onto
Town Hall Drive, with perhaps 59 vehicle trips directed to Church Street.
The Scoggins zone is projected to generate 19 vehicle trips during AM peak and 24 vehicle trips during
PM peak.
Conventional Trip Generation Projections
A mixed use development encourages linked trips or “trip chaining” – reaching multiple destinations via
the same vehicle trip. Conventional suburban development, other than a multiple use development like
a shopping center, does not accommodate linked trips without each link involving another vehicle trip,
so the vehicle trip generation for each land use must be estimated individually.
For contrast purposes, it is noted that if the uses proposed for the Cultural and Civic Area were
developed elsewhere in a more conventional manner the estimated weekday trip generation would range
from 2,218 to 2,610 vehicle trips while the weekend trip generation would range from 1,910 to 2,404
vehicle trips.