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Prameny a literatura

Odborné monografie

NOUSSIA, K.: Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration, A compar-

ative Analysis of the Position under English, US, German and French law, Springer-

Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

Články v odborných periodikách

CLYDE C., JACK COE Jr.: Arbitration Under NAFTA Chapter Eleven: Some Prag-

matic Reflections Upon the First Case Filed Against Mexico, Hastings International

and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 23, issue 311, 2000

CINDY G. Buys: The Tensions between Confidentiality and Transparency in In-

ternational Arbitration, American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 14, No.

121, 2003

LYNN, P. H.: Use and Misuse of Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements

in Oil and gas Agreements: The Exploration Phase (Westminster, United States of

America: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, 2004

HOWARD M.: NAFTA ‚s Investment Chapter: Dynamic Laboratory, Failed Exper-

iments, and Lessons for the FTAA, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American

Society of International Law), Vol. 97, issue 247, 2003

Mezinárodní smlouvy

North American Free Trade Agreement, 1994

Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals

of Other States, 1965

Dokumenty jiných mezinárodních organizací a orgánů

Free Trade Commission, Notes of Interpretation of Certain Chapter 11 Provisions,

31. 7. 2001

ICSID, Rules of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings (Arbitration Rules), 2006

ICSID Additional Facility Rules, 2006

UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.176/Add.1, Working Group II, February 2013

UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/741 – Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Concili-

ation) on the work of its fifty-sixth session, February 2012

UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.174 – Settlement of commercial disputes – Prep-

aration of a legal standard on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration –

Proposal by Governments of Argentina, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Norway, South

Africa, and the United States of America, October 2012

UNCITRAL, G.A. Res. 31/98, Rule 25.4, U.N. GAOR, 31st Sess., Supp. No. 17,

U.N. Doc. A/31/17 (Dec. 1976)