Mint Julep
(Large bar glass)
1 table-spoon sugar dissolved in % wine-glass water.
3 or 4 sprigs mint, which you press well in the sugar
and water to extract the flavor, then add 1% wine-glass
brandy, after which withdraw the mint and stir the in
gredients well; then fill glass with fine ice and insert
the mint again, stems downward, leaves above. Dress
tastily -with fruits in season.
Give a dash of Jamaica rum, a sprinkle of whits
sugar, and serve with a straw placed across top of
Whisky Julep
(A large bar glass)
%tablespoon sugar dissolved in %wine-glass water.
3 or 4 sprigs mint, press to extract the essence.
1 wine-glass whisky.
A dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir weU with spoon; arrange the mint with stems
Dress with pineapple, oranges, and berries, tastily;
some omit the fruit.
Serve with a straw.
(A sherry wine-glass)
1/3 of wine-glass of vanilla cordial.
1 yolk of egg, which carefullycoverwith benedictino.
1/3 wine-glass of Kummel.
2 drops Angostura or Boker's bitters.
The same rule is here applied as in making Pousse
Cafe, viz.: Keep colors separate and the different por
tions from running into each other.
Cordial Lemonade
Make a plain lemonade; ornament with fruits in sea
son; then put in slowly % a pony of any cordial.