for pouring in each article separately, be very careful
In doing so, that each portion may be separate. Serve
without mixing.
"Jersey Lily" Pousse Cafe
(Pony Glass)
Half fill with Chartreuse.
Half fill with brandy.
Pour brandy in carefully, so as not to disturb the
Chartreuse, and serve.
Pousse L'Amour
(A sherry wine-glass)
% glass Maraschino.
The yolk of 1 egg carefully.
Then add % glass vanilla cordial.
% glass of brandy.
Serve without mixing. Be careful and see that the
colors do not run into each other.
Parisian Pousse Cafe, No. 1
(A sherry wine glass)
5 drops raspberry syrup.
M of the glass Maraschino.
% "
" Curacoa.
" Chartreuse.
^ "
" brandy.
Keep the five colors separate and serve without mix
Parisian Pousse Cafe, No. 2
% glass Maraschino.
2/5 Kirschwasser.
1/5 Chartreuse.
Brandy on top.
Hot Boland Punch
1 lump sugar.
2 wine-glasses boiling water.
1% "
Scotch Whisky.
1 table-spoon ginger ale.