Santinas New Orleans Pousse Cafe
(A sherry wine-glass)
1/3 wine-glass brandy.
1/3 "
Careful attention must be paid to the arrangement
of colors, and to preventing the different portions from
running into each other.
Arrack Punch
(A bar glass)
1 table-spoon sugar dissolved in a little water.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
1 wine-glass of Batavia arrack.
% fill glass with fine ice. Shake well. Dress with
fruits, and serve with a straw.
Brandy Punch
(A large bar glass)
1 table-spoon sugar dissolved in a little water.
% of a small lemon.
y* wine-glass St. Croix rum.
1 piece pineapple.
1 or 2 slices orange.
Fill glass with fine ice. Shake weU. Dress with
fruits and serve with a straw.
Champagne Punch
(Serve in champagne goblets)
1 quart bottle wine.
^4 lb. sugar.
1 orange sliced.
The juice of 1 lemon.
3 or 4 slices of pineapple.
1 wine-glass strawberry sjrrup. Dress with fruit,
and serve.