1 table-spoon sugar.
2 or S dashes lemon juice.
Stir well. Dress with fruits and top off with a little
claret. Serve with a straw.
69th Regiment Punch
(A hot whisky glass)
% wine-glass Irish whisky.
% "
Scotch "
1 tea-spoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
2 wine-glasses hot water.
The Imbibition of the above adds greatly to one's
comfort on a cold night.
St. Charles Punch
(Large bar glass)
1 table-spoon sugar.
of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass port wine.
1 pony glass brandy.
FiU with fine ice. Shake well. Dress top with fruits
In season and serve with straw.
St. Croix Rum Punch
(Large bar glass)
1 table-spoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
% pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and ber
ries. Serve with a straw.
Tip Top Punch
(A large bar glass)
3 or four lumps of ice.
1 pony of brandy.
1 lump of sugar.