Eirschwasser Punch
(A large bar glass)
% table-spoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
3 or 4 dashes Chartreuse.
1 wine-glass Kirschwasser.
Fill % of the glass with fine ice.
Dress with fruits; serve with a straw.
Medford Rum Punch
(A large bar glass)
Fill glass with fine ice.
% table-spoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1% glass Medford rum.
1 dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
Milk Punch
(A large bar glass)
One-third glass fine ice.
% tahle-spoon sugar.
1 wine-glass brandy.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
% wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill up with freshmilk, mix well together, strain, and
serve up, with a little nutmeg on top.
Hot Milk Punch
(A large bar glass)
1 table-spoon of sugar.
% wine-glass St. Croix rum.
% wine-glass brandy.
Fill the glass with hot milk.
Mix well with a spoon; g;rate nutmeg on top, and
serve. Always mix with a spoon. Never use the
shaker to this.