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Publications, 1999.

Adizes, I. Managing Corporate Lifecycles: An Updated and Expanded Look at the Corporate

Lifecycles. First printing, Paramus, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, 1999.

Adizes, I. Management/ Mismanagement Styles: How to Identify a Style and What to Do

about It. Adizes Institute Publications, Santa Barbara, CA, 2004.

Adizes, 1. The Ideal Executive: Why You Cannot be One and What to Do About It. Adizes

Institute Publications, Santa Barbara, CA, 2004.


Adizes, I. «The Role of Management in Democratic (Communal) Organizational Structures».

Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy. Quarterly review of CIRIEC. Brussels: CIRIEC, No.

424 (1971): 399-420.

Adizes, I. «Administering for the Arts: Introduction and Overview». California Management

Review 15, 2 (1972): 99-103.

Adizes, I. «Boards of Directors in the Performing Arts: A Managerial Analysis».

California Management Review 15, 2 (1972): 109-117.

Adizes, I. «Economic Changes in Yugoslavia». East Europe 21, 10 (1972): 8-16.

Adizes, I. «Management in Der Demokratischen Organisationen». Annalen der

Gemeinwirtschaft 41 (Januar-Marz, 1972).

Adizes, I. «Samoupravljanje Kao Drustveni Cilj i Organizacijski Proces — [SelfManagement

as a Social Goal and an Organizational Process».] Socijalizam 11, 12 (1972): 1324-1333.

Adizes, I. «Uloga Rukovodjenja u Demokratskim Organizacionim Strukturama». [Serbo-

Croatian translation of «The Role of Management in Democratic Organizational Structures»].

Moderna Organizacija 6 (1972): 937-951.

Adizes, I. «Uloga Vodstva v Demokraticnih (Skupnostnih) Organizacijskih Strukturah».

[«The Role of Management in Democratic Organization»] Moderna Organizacija 6 (1972): 437-


Adizes, I. and Weston, F. «Comparative Models of Social Responsibility». Journal of the

Academy of Management 16, 1 (1973): 112-129. Reprinted in F. Luthans and R.M. Hodgetts,

Social Issues in Business. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1974.

Adizes, I. «Gerencia y Estructuras Comunales (I)». «The Role of Management in Democratic

Organization» Gerencia. Instituto Peruano de Administracion de Empresas (IPAE) Lima, Peru,

(Noviembre/Diciembre, 1976): 23-76. Adizes, I. «On Conflict Resolution and an Organizational

Definition of Self-Management» in Participation and Self Management, Volume 5 «Social System

and Participation», 1-73. First International Sociological Conference on Participation and Self-

Management. Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1973).

Adizes, I. «Le Role de la Direction Dans une Communante Organisee Sur une Base

Democratique». «The Role of Management in Democratic Organization» Les Annales De

L’Economie Collective 1 (Jan.-Mars, 1973): 83-109.

Adizes, I. and McWhinney, W. «Arts, Society and Administration: The Role and Training of

Arts Administrators, Arts and Society». Arts and Society, 10, 3 (1974): 40-50.

Adizes, I. «Gerencia y Estructuras Comunales (II) Management and Communal Structures»

Gerencia, IPAE (January/February, 1974): 36-43.

Adizes, I. «Relaciones Organizativas en la Empresa Autogestionaria [The Self-Managed

Enterprise]». Apuntes 1, 2 (1974): 21-30.

Blame, M. and Adizes, I. «Parkview Symphony». In Business Policy: Strategy Formation and

Management Action, ed. W. Glueck, 366-374. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.

Adizes, I. «Autogestion y Naciones en Dsarollo [Self-Management in Developing Nations]».

Apuntes 4 (1975): 106-122.

Adizes, I. «The Cost of Being an Artist: An Argument for the Public Support of the Arts».

California Management Review 17 (Summer, 1975): 80-84.