Corporate and social responsibility report
Annex III -
Integrating sustainability inWorldline’s business
2016 Registration Document
Worldline acts as a responsible player in terms of resource
waste production, optimizing its use of resources with a special
management and is conscious of its energy consumption and
focus on cost reduction. This enables it to be
resources, while improving its bottom line.
environmentally-friendly by seeking every opportunity to save
[GRI 102-30] [GRI 102-31] and [GRI 102-32]
102-13] [GRI 102-18] [GRI 102-19]
Vision, strategy and governance
[GRI 102-27] [GRI 102-28] [GRI 102-29]
[GRI 102-20] [GRI 102-21] [GRI 102-26]
solutions and its customers’ needs.
Responsibility (CSR) specificities which are reflected in its
and governance. Strengthened by a long history of shared
As part of the Atos group, Worldline shares its vision, strategy
markets, Worldline has developed Corporate Social
experience, strong corporate values and a wide footprint in
growth at a time of massive change which is affecting them
solutions to its customers to reinvent their models of future
financially, technologically, environmentally and socially.
responsible European champion at a global reach, providing
Like the Atos group, Worldline’s goal is to be recognized as a
with a responsible social and environmental impact.
Worldline’s ultimate mission is the pursuit of financial profitability
involves creating economic value in a way that also creates
Worldline embraces the principle of shared value, which
other terms, connecting company success with social progress.
value for society by addressing its needs and challenges, in
sustainability operations, Worldline’s Corporate Social
Responsibility strategy is based on three strategic axes:
To achieve its goal of integrating its lines of business into its
Reinforce IT leadership to promote sustainability
non-financial performance challenge and consolidate its
attention on its part. This enables the Company to take on the
by the Group reflect the growing importance of its commitment
credibility in the market. The many prizes and awards received
sustainability rankings such as the Global Reporting Initiative,
Consolidating and improving Worldline’s position in recognized
rankings (Gaïa Index, OEKOM, Vigeo, etc.) require constant
EcoVadis, Great Place to Work, etc., as well as its investor
Embed corporate responsibility at the core of Worldline’s
business and processes
carbon management, social collaboration, public services, etc.
part of Worldline’s innovation process, enabling the creation of
social responsibility and business development. Sustainability is
new solutions in different fields of expertise as energy and
As a subsidiary of the Atos group, Worldline makes sustainability
environmentally-friendly operational excellence,
a component of its DNA through its corporate values,
By making sustainability part of its business and of the IT
can better improve their organization, create new opportunities,
transformation process, Worldline is convinced that its clients
encourage innovation and ensure competitive advantage.
account local needs and concerns.
Worldline’s position as a multinational company that takes into
all the regions within a coherent approach that strengthens
Worldline’s goal is to gradually embed Corporate Social
of their culture or location. Continuous efforts are made to bring
Responsibility in its employees’ everyday working life regardless
Identifying challenges, establishing priorities, measuring
integration of CSR matters in the exchanges with investors’
of Worldline’s engagement toward its stakeholders is the
order to share the Company’s strategic challenges as well as the
Worldline intends to strengthen dialog with its stakeholders in
improve transparency on appropriate topics. The essential part
report the progress made by its sustainability approach.
key performance indicators that will measure and publicly
regulations helps to better focus on relevant areas of action and
Managing stakeholders’ expectations in line with existing
key market differentiating factor and a crucial element for
and partners as well as with its employees, investors and
building and developing a trusting relationship with its clients
In 2016, Worldline took the decision to commit to CSR on a
launch of its CSR program: “TRUST 2020: Trust at the heart of
long-term basis with its various stakeholders by announcing the
sustainability of Worldline’s operations in years to come, thereby
everything we do”. The program is intended to bolster the
Worldline’s position as a CSR market leader. This program is a
improving its non-financial performance and consolidating
Worldline has defined its “TRUST 2020” CSR 2020 ambition for
and define its roadmap for the coming years. The program
each of its material challenges in order to reinforce its leadership
environmental issues.
covers operational, employment, supply chain and