Corporate and social responsibility report
Annex III -
Integrating sustainability inWorldline’s business
2016 Registration Document
[GRI 103-1 Procurement Practices]
[GRI 103-1 Socioeconomic Compliance] and
Opportunity] [GRI 103-1 Customer Privacy]
Education] [GRI 103-1 Diversity and Equal
[WL1] [WL2] [WL3] [WL4] [WL5] [WL6] [AO2]
[GRI 102-14] [GRI 102-44]
Economic Performance] [GRI 103-1 Market
[AO3] [AO10] [AO11] [AO14] [AO17] [GRI 103-1
Employment] [GRI 103-1 Training and
Impacts] [GRI 103-1 Anti-Corruption] [GRI
Presence] [GRI 103-1 Indirect Economic
Occupational Health and Safety] [GRI 103-1
103-1 Energy] [GRI 103-1 Emissions] [GRI 103-1
Identification and prioritization of relevant topics
prioritization was based on the materiality review performed in
Initiative New Standards of reporting.
2014 and updated in 2015 and 2016, following Global Reporting
Worldline performed a materiality assessment in 2014 that was
The materiality assessment aims to identify the essential
revised in 2016 following extensive dialog with its stakeholders.
critical for Worldline. As presented in Section
1.1.3, the
challenges that the market and the main stakeholders consider
A-Stakeholders Expectations
B-ICT Sectors Challenges
C-Worldline Business
D-International Standards
and Regulations
Best Practices
Worldline takes into account its stakeholders’ expectations
with them.
identified thanks to its regular exchanges and communication
evolving in order to spot trends and adapt its processes.
Worldline regularly analyzes how its peers’ practices are
interviews were held to identify the impact of the expectations
During the materiality review, several internal and external
The result was included in the materiality matrix, taking into
on the business strategy and to challenge those expectations.
covered in the GRI Standards guidelines. For instance, the
account some specificities of the e-payment sector that are not
the interviews, was included in Worldline’s materiality matrix.
innovation-related topic, which was the main topic raised during
CSR team to prioritize the different challenges for Worldline.
account in the materiality review to help the managers and the
International standards and regulations were also taken into
industry’s best practices related to sustainability strategies and
A comparative study of the e-payment industry identified the