Whiskey Daisy.
Use small bar glass.
Take three das hes g um syrup.
T wo dashes orgeat s yrup.
Tho j uice of hfLlf a small le mon.
One wino-glnss of Bourbon or rye "·biskey.
Fill glass one-third .full of shaved ice.
8hnke well, in to a large cocktail glass, and fill up
with seltze r or Apollinaris water.
Gin Daisy.
small ba1· glass.
Take three or four dashes of orgeat, or g um syrup.
T hroe das hes of Maraschino.
The juico of half
sma ll lemon.
Ono wi ne-glues of Holland g in:
F ill glass one-third full of s haved ice.
8hake well, s t1·ain in to a l1irge cocktail glass, a nd fill up
with seltzer o r Apollinnris water.
Egg Nogg.
Use larye bur glass.
·Tako one large teaspoonful of powdered white s ugar.
One frosh egg.
Ono-half wlna-glass of brandy.
One-half wine-glass or 8anta Cruz rum.
A little s haved ice.
F ill the glass with rich m ilk a nd s hake up the ingre–
dients unt il they are thoroug hly mixed. Pour t he mixture
iuto a goblet excluding the ice, and grate a littlo nutmeg on
top. This may be made by using a wine-glass of either of
the above liquors, instead of beth combined.
Every well-ordered bar s hould ha,·e a tin egg-nogg
" s haker," which is
great a id in mixing this beverage.