Scotch
Whiskey
Sling
(Cold).
Is
made
same
as
Cold
Brandy
Sling,
using
Scotch
whiskey
in
place
of
brandy.
Whiskey
Sling
(Cold).
Concoct
same
as
Cold
Brandy
Sling,
substitut-
ing
plain
whiskey
for
brandy.
Brandy
Smash
(No.
1).
Dissolve
one
lump
of
sugar
in
a
mixing-glass
with
a
little
water,
add
a
few
sprigs
of
fresh
mint,
press
them
gently
with
a
muddler
to
extract
flavor,
fill
the
glass
three-fourths
full
of
fine
ice,
add
one
jigger
brandy
;
mix
well.
Take
an
old-fashioned
champagne
glass,
place
a
sprig
of
mint,
stem
down,
in
the
hollow
stem
of
glass,
trim
with
fruit,
then
strain
the
mixture
into
the
prepared
glass.
Brandy
Smash
(No.
2).
Prepare
same
as
Brandy
Smash
No.
1,
but
serve
on
ice
same
as
Brandy
Julep,
and
add
a
dash
of
Jamaica
rum
before
serving.
Gin
Smash
(Strained).
Prepare
in
precisely
the
same
manner
as
Brandy
Smash
No.
1,
substituting
gin
for
brandy.