Rhine-Wine
and
Seltzer.
Fill
a
thin
glass
half
full
of
Rhine-wine,
then
fill
up
with
seltzer.
This
is
a
favorite
summer
drink.
Rock
and
Rye.
Pour
into
a
whiskey-glass
one
teaspoonful
pure
rock-candy
syrup,
add
a
small
bar-spoon,
and
allow
the
customer
to
help
himself
to
the
whiskey.
Rum
and
Gum.
Place
before
the
customer
a
whiskey
-glass
con-
taining
one
teaspoonful
gum
syrup,
and
a
small
bar-spoon,
then
hand
out
the
desired
kind
of
rum
and
allow
him
to
help
himself.
Rum
and
Sugar.
Serve
in
the
same
manner
as
Rum
and
Gum,
substituting
a
lump
of
sugar
dissolved
in
a
little
water
for
gum.
Scotch
Whiskey
Rickey.
Concoct
in
the
same
manner
as
Brandy
Rickey,
substituting
Scotch
whiskey
for
brandy.
Vermouth
Rickey.
Place
one
lump
of
ice
in
a
medium-sized
bar-
glass,
add
the
juice
of
half
a
lime,
one
jigger
ver-
mouth
;
stir
with
spoon,
fill
up
with
carbonic
water,
drink
during
effervescence.