Sauterne
Cobbler.
One
tablespoonful
fine
sugar
dissolved
in
a
long
thin
glass
with
a
little
water
;
fill
the
glass
with
fine
ice,
add
two
jiggers
sauterne.
Mix.
Orna-
ment
with
fruits
in
season.
Sip
with
straws.
Sherry
Cobbler
No.
1.
Fill
an
eight-ounce
glass
full
of
fine
ice,
add
one
teaspoonful
gum-syrup,
two
jiggers
sherry.
Mix
well.
Trim
with
fruit.
Serve
with
straws.
Sherry
Cobbler
No.
2.
Half
a
mixing-glass
full
fine
ice,
one
tablespoon-
ful
fine
sugar,
one
and
a
half
jigger
sherry
wine.
Shake
well.
Serve
in
a
long
thin
glass
with
straws.
Trim
with
fruit.
Whiskey
Cobbler.
Prepare
the
same
as
Brandy
Cobbler,
substitut-
ing
whiskey
for
brandy.
Absinthe
Cocktail.
Fill
a
mixing-glass
half
-full
of
fine
ice,
add
one
dash
gum-syrup,
one
dash
Peyschaud
or
Angostura
bitters,
one
pony
absinthe,
one
pony
water.
Mix
well.
Strain
into
cocktail
glass;
add
a
piece
twisted
lemon
-peel.