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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - Handling Negative Curvature in Gradient Methods for

Unconstrained and Bound Constrained Optimization

Wei Guo, Lehigh University, 200 W Packer Ave, Bethlehem, PA,

18015, United States of America,


Frank E. Curtis

A gradient-descent method is proposed for unconstrained and bound constrained

optimization. Emphasis is placed on techniques for computing appropriate step

sizes when negative curvature is present. It extends Barzilai-Borwein two-point

step size method, its variants and gradient projection method for unconstrained

and bound constrained optimization. Global convergence is guaranteed under

mild assumptions. Numerical results illustrate the benefits of the method in the

presence of non-convexity.

3 - A Trust Region Algorithm with a Worst-case Iteration Complexity

of O(eps^(-3/2))

Mohammadreza Samadi, Lehigh University, 200 West Packer,

Bethlehem, PA, 18015, United States of America,

, Daniel Robinson, Frank E. Curtis

We present a trust region method for unconstrained nonconvex optimization that

is able to drive the norm of the gradient of the objective below a prescribed

threshold eps > 0 after at most O(eps^(-3/2)) iterations, while maintaining

standard global and fast local convergence guarantees through employing

modified step acceptance criteria and a novel trust region updating mechanism.

We also present ideas for the constrained case and show numerical results.

4 - A Modified DC Algorithm for Solving Linear Programs with

Equilibrium Constraints

Francisco Jara-Moroni, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan

Road, Room C210, Evanston, Il, 60208, United States of America,,

Jong-Shi Pang,

Andreas Waechter

We propose a method for finding local optima of linear programs with

equilibrium constraints. The complementarity restriction is handled by a penalty

term that can be expressed as the difference of convex functions. The

reformulated problem is solved to optimality by the difference-of-convex

functions algorithm with some variations exploiting the specific structure of the



16-Franklin 6, Marriott

Trends in Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Linear and Conic Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Angelia Nedich, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL,

United States of America,

1 - Convex Optimization for Low Rank Models

Madeleine Udell, Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech, CMS,

Mail Code 9-94, Pasadena, CA, 91125, United States of America,

Many of the most popular methods for unsupervised learning can be formulated

as a kind of bi-convex optimization problem which we call a low rank model,

including nonnegative matrix factorization, matrix completion, sparse and robust

PCA, and k-means. In this talk, we discuss three approaches to fitting low rank

models: alternating minimization, stochastic gradient methods, and methods

based on convex relaxations.

2 - Resolution of Misspecified Constrained Optimization Problems

via Augmented Lagrangian Schemes

Hesam Ahmadi, Student, Pennsylvania State University, 107

Holerman Hall, University Park, PA, 16802,

United States of America,,

Necdet Serhat Aybat, Uday Shanbhag

We consider a misspecified optimization problem that requires minimizing of a

convex function f(x; y) in x over constraint set represented by h(x; y)=0 where y

is an unknown (or misspecified) vector but can be learnt by a distinct learning

problem. We develop joint first-order augmented Lagrangian scheme for

computing x while learning y. Iteration complexity analysis is provided when

penalty parameters are constant.

3 - Convex and Stochastic Optimization under Indirect Observations

Niao He, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA

United States of America,

We examine convex optimization problems involved with misspecified

parameters or distributions, while only a limited number of indirect observations

are available. We establish safe and computationally tractable approximations of

these problems and equip them with efficient algorithms. We show that in several

important cases, the estimates yielded by our approach exhibit consistency and

sublinear convergence. We also demonstrate the efficiency of our approach

through several examples.


17-Franklin 7, Marriott

Cliques and Clique Relaxations

Sponsor: Optimization/Network Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Sergiy Butenko, Texas A&M University, 4037 ETB,

College Station, TX, United States of America,

1 - Characterizing and Detecting Independent Union of Cliques

Zeynep Ertem, Texas A&M, 2400 Central Park Ln, Apt. 407,

College Station, TX, United States of America,

, Sergiy Butenko, Yiming Wang

This paper introduces maximum independent union of cliques problem for which

maximum clique and maximum independent set solutions are lower bound. We

present structural properties as well as complexity results. We show IP

formulation, B&B algorithm and the heuristic approaches.

2 - The Maximum S-stable Cluster Problem

Chitra Balasubramaniam, Texas A&M University, College Station,

TX, United States of America,


Sergiy Butenko

We introduce a new clique relaxation model called s-stable cluster, that restricts

the size of the independent set found in the cluster, and is applicable in areas that

employs data mining techniques. In particular, the structural properties of the

model will be explored, and exact algorithms for solving the maximum s-stable

cluster problem will be presented.


18-Franklin 8, Marriott

Big Data Analytics: Methodology and Applications

Cluster: Modeling and Methodologies in Big Data

Invited Session

Chair: Danica Xiao, PhD Candidate, University of Washington -

Seattle, 3900 Northeast Stevens Way, Seattle, WA, 98195,

United States of America,

1 - “Big Data” in Bioenergy Supply Chain

Shiyang Huang, Iowa State University, 0076 Black Engineering,

Ames, IA, 50011, United States of America,,

Guiping Hu

We study the development of bioenergy and its supply chain, which consists of

large numbers of independent stakeholders and sophisticated spatial and

environmental information. We introduce “Big data” optimization methodologies

into the study to mine the hidden information that can help in promoting the

bioenergy production.

2 - Learning from Business Transactions Data

Sunil Kothari, Researcher, Hewlett-Packard, 1501 Page Mill Road,

Bldg 2U, Palo Alto, CA, 94304, United States of America,,

Zhijun Yin, Gary Dispoto, Jun Zeng,

Gregory Player

In a contractual environment, the engagement starts with the sales process and

continues through the contract period generating valuable data across the life

cycle of the contract period. HP’s managed print services business generates

transaction data covering the entire life cycle of a contract. We apply the machine

learning techniques to counter the notion that price alone determines the

win/loss outcome for a deal and predict the win/loss probabilities for deals

currently in the pipeline.

3 - An Integer Programing Formulation of Training Set Selection

Walter Bennette, Research Engineer, Air Force Research

Laboratory, 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome, NY, 13441,

United States of America,

Aspects of a data set can make building a useful classifier difficult. Training Set

Selection (TSS) addresses some of these aspects by selecting a subset of the data in

such a way that learning from the reduced data set leads to a better model. This

work utilizes an integer programming formulation of TSS that relies on column

generation to obtain an improved selection of training instances. We then inform

current state of the art genetic algorithms for TSS with our formulation.
