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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



31-Room 408, Marriott

Data Mining and Predictive Analytics in Health Care

Sponsor: Data Mining

Sponsored Session

Chair: Lior Turgeman, Data Mining and Operations Research, Joseph

M. Katz Graduate School of Business, Roberto Clemente Dr, Pittsburgh,

PA 1526, Pittsburgh, United States of America,

1 - Predicting Hospital Readmission using Patient Encounter Data

Atish Sinha, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,

Lubar School of Business, Milwaukee, WI, 53201-0742,

, Amit Bhatnagar, Arun Sen

Under the Affordable Care Act, readmission rate has become a critical issue for

hospitals. We analyze patient encounter data, obtained from an HIE, during a

two-year period for a chain of hospitals. Our model incorporates two sets of

factors, consumer demographics and encounter data, to predict readmission

likelihoods and durations.

2 - A Mixed-ensemble Predictive Model for Hospital Readmission

Lior Turgeman, Data Mining and Operations Research, Joseph M.

Katz Graduate School of Business, Roberto Clemente Dr,

Pittsburgh, PA 1526, United States of America,

, Jerrold H. May, Johnson Moore,

Youxu Cai Tjader

We present a novel approach for predictive modeling, using a mixed-ensemble

classifier. The approach integrates a C5.0 tree as the base ensemble classifier, and

a support vector machine (SVM) as a secondary classifier. By implementing our

method for predicting hospital readmission of CHF patients, we were able to

overcome some of the limitations of both C5.0 and SVM, as well as to increase the

classification accuracy for the minority class, particularly when strong predictors

are not available.

3 - A Decision Analytic Approach to Modeling Heart

Transplant Survival

Asil Oztekin, Assistant Professor Of Operations & Information

Systems, Participating Faculty Of Biomedical Engineering &

Biotechnology Program, University of Massachusetts Lowell,

One University Ave. Southwick 201D, Lowell, MA, 01850,

United States of America,,

Ali Dag,

Fadel Megahed

Due to the scarcity of donor hearts for transplantation, an accurate prediction of

transplantation success plays an important role in the matching procedure

between donors and recipients. A decision analytic framework based on Bayesian

Belief Network is deployed here to address this issue. The results indicate that this

decision analytic methodology yields superior results than the ones in the



is a generic model which can be implemented in other

transplant cases.


32-Room 409, Marriott

Big Data Analytics in Genomics

Cluster: Big Data Analytics in Computational Biology/Medicine

Invited Session

Chair: Michael Hoffman, Scientist, Assistant Professor, Princess

Margaret Cancer Centre/University of Toronto, Toronto Medical

Discovery Tower 11-311, 101 College St, Toronto, ON, M5G 1L7,


1 - A Spectral Approach for the Integration of Functional Genomics

Annotations for Genetic Variants

Iuliana Ionita-laza, Assistant Professor, Columbia University, 722

West 168 St, New York, NY, 10032, United States of America,

Over the past few years, substantial effort has been put into the functional

annotation of variation in human genome sequence. Such annotations can play a

critical role in identifying putatively causal variants among the abundant natural

variation that occurs at a locus of interest. The main challenges in using these

various annotations include their large numbers, and their diversity. I will discuss

an unsupervised approach to derive an integrative score of these diverse


2 - Big Data Regression and Prediction in Functional Genomics

Weiqiang Zhou, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of

Public Health, 615 N Wolfe Street, Rm E3638, Baltimore, MD,

21205, United States of America,


Hongkai Ji

The rapid growth of functional genomic data makes it possible to build models for

predicting one high-throughput genomic data type from another data type. This

can be formulated as a challenging big data regression problem which involves

fitting millions of high-dimensional regressions simultaneously. To cope with the

high dimensionality and heavy computation, we developed BIRD algorithm that

leverages the correlation structure in the data to make computation fast and

predictions accurate.

3 - Semi-automated Human Genome Annotation using

Chromatin Data

Michael Hoffman, Scientist, Assistant Professor, Princess Margaret

Cancer Centre/University of Toronto, Toronto Medical Discovery

Tower 11-311, 101 College St, Toronto, ON, M5G 1L7, Canada,

Segway is an integrative method to identify patterns from multiple functional

genomics experiments. It discovers joint patterns in multiple genomic datasets

using a dynamic Bayesian network model, simultaneously segmenting the

genome and identifying clusters of similar segments. We apply Segway to

ENCODE ChIP-seq and DNase-seq data and identify patterns associated with

transcription start sites, gene ends, enhancers, and repressed regions.

4 - Identifying Genetic Risk Factors for Complex Traits using

Functional and Association Data

Jo Knight, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 250 College

Street, Toronto, Canada,,

Mike Barnes,

Mike Weale, Sarah Gagliano

Our aim is to identify the genetic risk variants that contribute to disease. Genome

wide association studies have identified some but many remain unknown. We

seek to combine the association data with functional characteristics of the

genome. Machine learning is used to derive a score to indicate whether a genetic

variant is likely to be causal based on large amounts of functional data. We

combine the functional score and the association score together in a Bayesian



33-Room 410, Marriott

Joint Session HAS/MSOM-Healthcare:

Health Care Operations

Sponsor: Health Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Tolga Tezcan, Associate Professor, London Business School,

Regent’s Park, London, UK, NW14SA, United Kingdom,

Co-Chair: Nicos Savva, London Business School, Park Road,

London, NW14SA, United Kingdom,

1 - Why is Big Data Underutilized?

Kraig Delana, London Business School, Regent’s Park, London,

NW1 4SA, United Kingdom,,

Nicos Savva,

Tolga Tezcan

The advent of big data has brought the opportunity to track customer needs and

offer service proactively. Motivated by a healthcare application we develop a

queueing and game theoretic model to show that enrolling in such a data-

tracking scheme generates positive externalities in the form of reduced waiting

times. Nevertheless, we show that self-interested consumers will under-utilize

this opportunity, leading to a welfare loss.

2 - A Two-sided Mechanism to Coordinate the Influenza Vaccine

Supply Chain

Kenan Arifoglu, University College London, Gower Street,

London, WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom,

Rational consumer behavior and uncertain yield lead to frequent supply/demand

mismatches in the influenza (flu) vaccine supply chain. To eliminate the

inefficiency in the flu vaccine supply chain, we propose a two-sided mechanism

which implements tax/subsidy payments on the demand side and a transfer

payment on the supply side and aligns consumers’ and vaccine manufacturer’s

incentives with the social optimum. The two-sided mechanism improves social

welfare significantly.

3 - Analysis of Triage Systems in Emergency Departments

Ozlem Yildiz, Simon Business School , University of Rochester,

CSH 4-333. Simon Business School, Rochester, NY, 14627,

United States of America,

, Tolga Tezcan,

Michael Kamali

We study triage method decisions in emergency departments and provide a policy

for determining when to apply provider triage (PT) based on operational and

financial considerations using a queueing framework. We obtain closed-form

expressions for the range of arrival rates in which PT economically outperforms

traditional nurse triage using a steady-state many-server fluid approximation. We

show via simulation experiments that the proposed policy performs within 0.82%

of the best solution.
