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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



24-Room 401, Marriott

Data Mining and Network Inference for Social and

Health Application II

Sponsor: Artificial Intelligence

Sponsored Session

Chair: Sung Won Han, New York University, 650 First Avenue, New

York, NY, United States of America,

Co-Chair: Chen Kan, University of South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave.

ENB118, Tampa, FL. United States of America,

1 - Optimizing Display Advertising in Online Social Networks

Zeinab Abbassi, PhD Candidate, Columbia University,

1214 Amsterdam Ave, 450 CSB, New York, NY, 10027,

United States of America,

Conventional online advertising methods need to be customized for OSNs. We

propose probabilistic models and study the problem: given a number of

impressions, what is the optimal order of users to show the ad to, to maximize the

expected number of clicks? We show that this problem is hard to approximate.

Therefore, we propose several heuristic algorithms. We evaluate the performance

of these heuristics on real data sets, and observe that our two-stage heuristic

outperforms baselines.

2 - Blood Donation Tailoring Problem to Improve Blood

Supply Management

Guven Kaya, PhD Student, Industrial Engineering, University of

Houston, E206 Engineering Bldg 2, Houston, TX, 77204,

United States of America,

, Ali Ekici

Blood donation tailoring is to identify blood donation types and collect blood

products. Donors perform donation types that provide blood products to patients,

having collection/inventory/spoilage costs. We collect data about donation types

with demand, cost, time, eligibility percentages, compatibility from blood banks.

We develop MIP models to find collected/spoiled/carried blood product amount

on single and multi-period settings. We provide results based on data from blood

donation centers.


26-Room 403, Marriott

Data Analytics Applications for Smart Industries

Cluster: Globalization and International Activities

Invited Session

Chair: Grace Lin, Data Analytic Technology and Applications (DATA),

Data Analytic Technology and Applications (DATA), Taipei,

Taiwan - ROC,

1 - Is the Conventional Association Analysis Practical for Big Data

Analytics? New Perspectives on Application and Computation

Hao-Ting Pai, Data Analytics Technologies & Applications

Research Institute, Institute for Information Industry,

Taiwan - ROC,

Association analysis has been proven an NP-Complete problem. Owing to the

inevitable challenge, it is necessary to devise an alternative way of discovering

representative patterns. We present relative patterns discovery (named RPD) for

big data analytics, which possesses four features: effectiveness, efficiency,

panorama, and scalability.

2 - Towards Industry 4.0: Applying Big Data Analytics to Improve

Manufacturing Performance

Fish Yu, Data Analytics Technologies & Applications Research

Institute, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan - ROC,

As a step towards the development of cyber-physical systems which play an

important role in the transformation of manufacturing industry to the next

generation known as Industry 4.0, this talk describes a log analytics framework

that is capable of collecting, managing and analyzing large amount of machine

data to enable real-time and predictive decision-making across various

manufacturing processes. Experimental results using realistic data from

semiconductor packaging tools show the effectiveness of the proposed


3 - Green Multi-temperature Logistics using Time-dependent

Data Analysis

Wei-Ting Chen, Data Analytics Technologies & Applications

Research Institute, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan -


Multi-temperature food logistics contributes a considerable amount of greenhouse

gas due to fuel burn and HFCs and PFCs generated by refrigeration. In this talk,

we will introduce how to estimate emissions depend on various levels of traffic

condition, temporal demand patterns, delivery time windows, and different

temperature control techniques. It helps carriers to respond to green policies of


4 - Emerging Trends in ICT: using Big Data Analytics to Infuse New

Energy into Smart Tourism Industry

Tim Lin, Data Analytics Technologies & Applications Research

Institute, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan - ROC,

As many leading global organizations have applied Big Data Analytics to various

public and commercial areas, valuable applications such as consumer insight,

business operations optimization, and service innovation have been continuously

increasing. In this talk, we will introduce a smart tourism solution which provides

tourists real-time, personal, and proactive services by leveraging Big Data

Analytics, resulting in a deep and authentic experience. The developed solution

can support tourism-related businesses to connect with prospective customers and

build responsive, efficient, and health smart cities and homelands.


27-Room 404, Marriott

Advances in Multiobjective Programming

Sponsor: Multiple Criteria Decision Making

Sponsored Session

Chair: Margaret Wiecek, Department of Mathematical Sciences,

Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 29634, United States of America,

1 - Parametric Simplex Algorithm for Linear Vector

Optimization Problems

Firdevs Ulus, Princeton University, ORFE, Sherrerd Hall,

Princeton, NJ, 08544, United States of America,,

Birgit Rudloff, Robert Vanderbei

A parametric simplex algorithm for linear vector optimization problems is

proposed. The efficiency of the algorithm is compared with Benson’s algorithm

and the multiobjective simplex algorithm. For nondegenerate problems it

outperforms Benson’s algorithm and is on par with the multiobjective simplex

algorithm. For degenerate problems Benson’s algorithm excels the simplex-type

algorithms; however, the proposed algorithm performs much better than the

multiobjective simplex algorithm.

2 - An LP-based Branch-and-bound Algorithm for Biobjective Mixed

Integer Programs

Nathan Adelgren, Clemson University, Department of

Mathematical Sciences, Clemson, SC, 29634, United States of


, Akshay Gupte

We introduce a new LP-based branch-and-bound (BB) method for solving

biobjective mixed integer linear programs (BOMILP). New branching, fathoming,

cutting plane and node relaxation techniques are incorporated into a traditional

BB framework. Computational results show that this method is competitive with

current techniques for BOMILP.

3 - The Quadrant Shrinking Method for Solving Triobjective

Integer Programs

Martin Savelsbergh, Prof, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial

& Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 765 Ferst

Dr NW, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0205, United States of America,,

Hadi Charkhgard,

Natashia Boland

We present a new variant of the full (p-1)-split algorithm for finding all

nondominated points of a triobjective integer program. The algorithm is easy to

implement and solves at most 3n+1 integer programs, where n is the number of

nondominated points. Computational experiments demonstrate its efficacy.

4 - Optimizing a Linear Function Over the Efficient Set of a

Multi-objective Integer Program

Hadi Charkhgard, University of Newcastle, University Drive,

Callaghan, Australia,


Natashia Boland, Martin Savelsbergh

We present a new algorithm to optimize a linear function over the set of efficient

solutions of a multi-objective integer program. Because the algorithm maintains

both a lower and an upper bound on the optimal objective value, it can easily be

converted into a fast approximation algorithm. Finally, we demonstrate that the

algorithm can be used to efficiently compute the nadir point of a multi-objective

integer program.
