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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - Contact Center Qualifying Transfer Rate Modeling and Analysis

Jie Yu, Operations Research Scientist, University of Phoenix,

3137 E Elwood St, Phoenix, AZ, 85034, United States of America,

, Roger Gung, Lin Wang

Impact analysis on transferring marketing inquiries to qualifying leads for

potential enrollments and the performance of contact center agents are crucial to

contact center and enrollment operations. An impact analysis was conducted on

transfer rate with drivers including speed to lead, lead source, time of request as

well as program level. A mixed effect logistic regression model was built to rank

agents’ performance in terms of expected transfer rate with given marketing

inquiries. The model was also employed to evaluate the impact of reducing

contact center and enrollment operating hours.

3 - Enrollment Service Contact Strategy Optimization

Pan Hu, Operations Research Scientist, University of Phoenix,

3137 E Elwood St, Phoenix, AZ, 85034, United States of America,

, Yun Ouyang, Jie Yu, Lin Wang,

Roger Gung

This project is to study how contact behaviors of enrollment representatives

influence enrollment progression of higher education pursuers. To better serve

the needs of potential students, it is critical to communicate effectively by

bringing up right topics in the best timing. We examined a list of conversation

topics suggested in the internal guideline of University of Phoenix for enrollment

representatives, and identified the best contact strategy using statistical models.


33-Room 410, Marriott

Joint Session HAS/MSOM-Healthcare: Modeling

Applications for Emergency Departments

Sponsor: Health Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Sean Barnes, University of Maryland, 4352 Van Munching Hall,

University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742,

United States of America,

1 - Review of Queueing Theory Applied to Emergency Departments

with Comparable Simulation Studies

Summer (Xia) Hu, PhD Student, University of Maryland,

Department of Mathematics, College Park, United States of


, Sean Barnes, Bruce Golden

Queueing Theory (QT) is an important tool for Emergency Department (ED)

design and management. By reviewing all papers with ED QT analysis or

applications since 1972, this survey examines the contributions of QT to modeling

EDs and identify its benefits and limitations when compared to discrete-event

simulation (DES) under similar ED operational settings. Our results indicate that

the combination of queueing and DES methods can be a powerful approach to

better ED modelling.

2 - Using Simulation to Assess the Impact of an Observation Unit in a

Pediatric Emergency Department

Mark Grum, University of Michigan, 1205 Beal Avenue, Ann

Arbor, MI, 48109, United States of America,,

Gabriel Zayas-Caban, Michelle Macy, Allison Cator, Amy Cohn

Observation units (OUs) provide an alternative disposition decision for ED

patients who may benefit from further observation, such as those are not ill

enough to be admitted, but not well enough to be discharged. Patients can be

placed in an OU for monitoring, diagnostic evaluation, and/or treatment prior to

disposition. In this talk, we discuss our approaches (e.g. simulation) for assessing

the impact of an OU in the Pediatric ED at the University of Michigan.

3 - Operational Causes of Patients Leaving Before Treatment is

Completed in Emergency Departments

David Anderson, Assistant Professor, Baruch,,

Bruce Golden, Edward Wasil,

Laura Pimentel, Jon Mark Hirshon

Patients leaving before treatment (LBTC) is completed is an indicator of poor

Emergency Department performance. Contrary to previous research, volume is

not the main driver of patients leaving before treatment is complete. First

provider time and lengths of treatment are much more strongly associated with

LBTC rate. We show that operational factors such as treatment time and staffing

decisions play a role in waiting time and, thus, in determining the LBTC rate.

4 - Strategies for Ebola Containment: A Biological-behavioral-

operational Modeling Decision Framework

Eva Lee, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA,

This work is joint with CDC. We present a computational decision modeling

framework that integrates an agent-based biological disease spread model, a

dynamic network-based social-behavior model that captures human behavior and

interaction, and a stochastic queueing model that describes treatment

characteristics, day-to-day hospital and homecare processes, and resource usage.

An optimization engine determines the minimum resource needed to contain the

Ebola epidemic in W. Africa.


34-Room 411, Marriott

Data-driven Modeling and Analysis of Health

Care Systems

Sponsor: Health Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Anil Aswani, UC Berkeley, 4141 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA,

94720-1777, United States of America,

1 - Constructing Behavioral Models for Personalized Weight Loss

Interventions using Integer Programming

Yonatan Mintz, Graduate Student, UC Berkeley, 1822 Francisco

St., Apt. 10, Berkeley, CA, 94703, United States of America,

, Philip Kaminsky, Yoshimi Fukuoka,

Anil Aswani, Elena Flowers

In this paper we describe two (a machine learning and a utility maximization)

models for weight loss using clinical trial data. We believe these quantitative

models of behavior change can be used to provide personalized interventions,

improve adherence and lower costs of current weight loss programs. Given the

high prevalence of obesity, these results provide significant insight into more

effective approaches to implement weight loss programs.

2 - Modeling Treatment Adherence Behavior in the Treatment of

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Yuncheol Kang, Pennsylvania State University, 236 Leonhard

Building, State College, 16801, United States of America,

, Paul Griffin, Vittal Prabhu,

Amy Sawyer

We target patients who suffered from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and their

treatment behaviors when using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

devices. We model underlying dynamics and patterns of patient treatment

behavior using Markov models as a basis for designing effective and economical

intervention. Also we suggest a guideline for designing a cost-effective

intervention to economically treat the patients.

3 - Inverse Optimization with Noisy Data

Auyon Siddiq, UC Berkeley, 4141 Etcheverry Hall, University of

California, Berkeley, Berkeley, 94720, United States of America,,

Zuo-jun Max Shen, Anil Aswani

We present an approach for inverse parametric optimization with noisy solution

data for convex forward problems. The proposed method yields well-behaved

estimates that attain risk consistency or parameter estimation consistency under

reasonable conditions. While the formulation is non-convex in general, we

provide an approximation algorithm that yields consistent estimates for a class of

quadratic programs. Numerical results show competitive performance with state-

of-the-art techniques.

4 - Quantifying the Resilience of Hospital Unit Management under

High Workloads

Mo Zhou, PhD Student, UC-Berkeley, 4470 Etcheverry Hall,

Berkeley, CA, 94709, United States of America,,

Anne Miller, Anil Aswani, Jason Slagle,

Daniel France

Hospital unit shifts with high admissions/discharges (ADTs) and low nurse-to-

patient ratios (NPRs) increase mortality. Nurse managers promote unit resilience,

and we quantify this using time series and network analysis of hourly phone calls,

ADTs, and NPRs over 2 years from an Intensive Care Unit. Statistical variable

selection assessed variable dependency, and time-series estimation demonstrated

the validity of phone calls as a resilience measure. Future studies will elucidate

adaptive limits.
