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Muscle Activation


Reduce muscle pain

due to tightness,

weakness &


Restore strength lost

to injury, stress,

trauma, and overuse

Increase muscle

strength & improve

athletic performance

Can be used to

enhance your current

physical therapy


Improve posture and


MATTherapy Rate:

55 minutes $125

Muscle soreness is a symptom that the

body is overworking to maintain

structural stability. Weak muscles can

cause other muscles to over work. This

can cause pain and inflammations as

they struggle to maintain joint stability

and over time will decrease range of


MAT can slow down or even reverse

degenerative processes. Arthritic

conditions due to joint instability and

wear & tear can be helped or

prevented when muscles function

properly. MAT creates a stronger

connection between the brain and the

muscular system so balance is

restored and the ability for the body

to function is greatly improved.

With MAT, you can return to the golf

course, tennis court, or your daily

activities with renewed strength and

without pain.

MAT therapy enables

you a new lease on your active
