Burn Calories:
Did you know that water aerobics
can burn up as many calories as
land aerobics.
Improved Flexibility and Balance:
The reduced effect of gravitational
force in water leads to improved
flexibility in the body. The joints
can be moved through a wide
range of motion, without stress on
the joints.
Because of the properties of water,
if you are suffering any type of
limitations such as arthritis, back,
knee, shoulder or joint pain,
working out in the pool is very
beneficial and most important it is
a lot of fun.
If a class does not suit your needs,
a variety of personal training
options are available.
Would you like to have more energy, improve your cardiovascular endurance,
muscle strength, burn calories, and increase your flexibility and balance?
Aquatic exercise is a unique way of exercise, because of the properties of water,
you have a constant muscle load provided by the water through a full range of
motion without all the stress on your joints.
The Benefits of Aquatic Exercise:
Provides Buoyancy and Support:
Water provides buoyancy and support for
the body, making it less likely to get injured.
When submerged in deep water, you are
reducing your body weight by 90% and
50% in waist deep water causing less strain
on your joints, back and torso.
Increase Muscular Endurance and Strength:
The high density of water provides up to 12
times more resistance than air, helping you
build muscle tone without using heavy
weights. You can have a steady resistance
working all major muscle groups resulting in
total body toning.
Improve Cardiovascular Conditioning:
In water your heart rate is lower allowing
you to work harder when compared to
exercising on land. You can easily
incorporate interval training and increase the
intensity of your workout.